Re: A thought:

On 27 Nov 2000, dcm redhat com wrote:
> Despite the fact that I was the one who made the png customized DTD
> I am very mush against pushing out customized DTDs. There is one
> very simple fact for this... it is harder for the new writer to
> understand what the hell is going on if they grab a DocBook
> manual,reference doc, or tutorial, and find that there is a whole
> bunch of GNOME specific stuff their docs do not cover. We should
> always keep in mind that the simpler the process of writing is, the
> easier it is to keep people volunteering.

I don't know if I understood correctly what you said, but I was
proposing adding this to the existing Gnome DTD, not creating a new

If you're saying that we should migrate to the DocBook DTD, without
any customization, then I think you're correct, but it would be
interesting for us to have a variant with these "macros" in it, so I
don't see any reason to rewrite documents that explain how to
contribute to the Gnome Documentation Project. 

As we already have several documents written using it, and several
documents that explain how to write a new document, I don't think that
adding such new entity will cause many troubles.

I'm just making a suggestion :-) 

See you,
Godoy. <godoy conectiva com>

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