Re: newbies/advanced users: for whom we write?

> Despite not being able to support it fully at the moment, it does no
> harm to begin work on a glossary now. Then in the future when it is
> better supported by the help browser we could get a good glossary
> linked in to the documentation quite quickly.

I remember a really useful glossary once on the #linux channel on IRC
(can't remember which server, I think EFNet, but I haven't used IRC in
 ages. It would be good if the glossary were packed with all sorts of
 Linux terms rather than just Gnome stuff, because that would make it
 truly useful.

There is a bot on the #linux channel that answers questions and it seems
very hard to ask it a word it can't give you helpful information on. It
functions as a FAQ at the same time by including a link to more

Perhaps we could integrate something with the #linux people, including
some more specifically written Gnome glossary entries?


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