Re: UI Guideline needs new maintainer

I might be interested in that. 



> Hi,
> I am currently the maintainer of the GNOME User Interface Guideline
> document, but I would like to give this job to someone else.
> The simple reason is that I have lost most of my motivation to work for this
> project. In fact, my last contribution was in december 1999.
> The UI guide is written in DocBook and currently available only from CVS:
> gnome-libs/devel-docs/ui-guide
> I think the most important task of the new maintainer would be to create
> some "publicity" for the project. I suppose that currently most developers
> don't even know that it exists.
> If anyone who reads this is interested in maintaining the UI guide, please
> send an email to me and to Someone who has an account for
> adding projects to the to-do-list might also want to add the project to this
> list until a new maintainer is found.
> cu,
> Jörg Rathlev
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