Re: MacOS 8.6 help system


>    Thanks for putting this together.  Once again, you did a very nice job.  
> My initial response is that this system looks rather primitive.  That may
> be partly because I can't actually sit down and play with it, and may be
> partly because I have had some Mac experiences in the past that left me
> with an unusually strong bias against Macs.  Could anybody who has really
> used Macs (Aaron comes to mind;)  ) tell us (1) whether the Mac help
> browser/system is better than what these screenshots show, (2) whether the
> current 9.0.4 MacOS has any improvements in the help system not seen in
> this (8.6) version, and (3) any strengths in the MacOS system which we
> should be aware of and consider incorporating into our help system?

         Thanks for the kind words.  Yes, you can say that it is pretty
primative.  The advantage of that though is how intiuitive it is.  I was able
to sit down and QUICKLY know everything to do.  It takes almost no effort to
use; which is probably a nice feature.  So basically, no these shots arent any
different from what actually happens.
         I've been trying to find out if the 9.x help system is any different
from 8.6, but I haven't found any 9 users that have used 8.6.
         The only strength is the intuitiveness.  That's what I like most about
it.  Feature wise, it's not that robust (just like MacOS itself), but there
really isnt much of a learning curve.  Its more of a 2% grade :)
         Anyone else have feelings about either of the posted help systems?
"Think realistically, not optimistically" - Myself

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