Re: Contents

Gregory Leblanc wrote:

> > If implemented properly, a solution like this could solve not only our
> > Contents problem but would also help us deal with having
> > multiple document
> > versions and documents which are stored on the internet.  For
> > the Contents
> > problem, we presumably would need to use the Subject or
> > Keyword tags along
> > with a standard classification scheme.  If this is the right
> > way to go, it
> > might be better to add a contents tag and distribute a well-defined
> > contents classification system.
> I've got a question on this, specifically with the "multiple document
> versions" that you mention.  I'm not sure what kind of history is kept with
> this, if any at all.  Do you see some way of using this to help alleviate
> the problems with using online documentation that is a newer version than
> what pertains to the application installed on a users machine, and if so,
> how?  Thanks,
>         Greg

Wouldn't the engine we use to read the doc be able to tell what version the
software is the first time it is called then find the right doc? A list of
pointers to older docs would need to be kept. All though wouldn't the doc on the
users machine be the `right' one for the software on his machine??


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