Re: new help browser


	I'm reading about a new help system for Gnome. I understood you want a
system wich lets user to find remote and local info in a easy way.

	I've got some ideas about this. I wrote some of them in a proto-article
but these days I'm planning to rewrote them. 

	FYI I'm member of one of Spanish-LDP projects
(http// and I see the needs of a distributed system
for publishing docs: to put in public in a easy and structured way and
to access to all the info a user want to read.

	Some info is at
http://LuCAS.HispaLinux.ES/~olea/donantonio/donantonio-en.html and

	Some files are in English and others in Spanish. Sorry inconveniences.

	If you think this is a interesting technology, tell it to me, please.
I'd work to make it usable.


        A.Ismael Olea González
        El mundo debe empezar a tener miedo a un planeta DEF

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