Re: More (sigh) questions: applet docs

Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> I just downloaded the whole of gnome-applets from CVS before wasting
> your time again with this one, but I didn't find the answer there.
> I wombled over to the doctable to add an applet as "partly documented,
> kind of, not yet linked into the program but..". And reading the applet
> guidelines I saw:
> All applets should have a Manual, accessible by right clicking on the applet.
> All applets should have an About, accessible by right clicking on the applet.
> The top level of all applet documents should be <sect2>. (This allows us to
> compile all documents into a single work.)
> I'm stupid. Does this mean I should just write something omitting this:
> <doctype book blah blah>
>  <book id="blah">
>   <bookinfo>
>    <title>Blah</title>
>    ....
>    <chapter id="whatever">
>    ....
>    <sect1 id="thingy">
> ...etc, and just start with
> <sect2 id="appletname">
>  <title>Applet Name</title>
>  <para>Blah intro blah</para>
>   <sect3>
> And turn all my sect1s into sect2s and 2s into 3s and so on, or what?

Just turn them into <section>s.  This gets you around the whole problem
of knowing which tags, since <section> can be nested pretty much
ad-infinitum.  Not sure about the rest of it, but I'd sure like to know.

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