Re: HOWTO vs mini-HOWTO [was: Linux Doc Infrastructure]

Guylhem Aznar wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2000 at 06:56:28PM +0100, Morten Kjeldgaard wrote:
> > I propose that the distinction between HOWTOs and mini-HOWTOs should be
> > abolished, because a grouping based on the sizes of the documents it is a
 [... snip ...]

> Aboloshing the distrinction is a good idea, but it would confuse people. 
> mini HOWTOs are "mini" since they focus on a specific topic

IMHO removing the distincition it won't confuse anyone.
How is IP-Masquerade (mini) more specific thatn IPX-Howto (HOWTO).
Similarly Assembler is probably less important to many than LILO etc.
Whilst I see the original purpose of HOWTOs vs minis (which isn't bad)
the line
has long since blurred. It is now more a matter of personal perspective.

One thing you could do is something like stick to a single dir and use a
stricter naming scheme.
Eg: Networking  might be the main (overview) howto and if someone has an
specific topic it could be named: "Networking-IP-Masquerade" similaarly
an IP topic would be "Networking-IPX-blah"

Whilst the nasmes would be longer the topic areas would be clearer.

Of course this whole issue goes away once we agree on an Open Doc Env.
categorisation process (,
long file names like Networking-IP-Masquerade
are not really an issue.



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