Re: GDP Editors

> I'm not familiar with the UI hitlist, what is it, where can I find more
> info, etc?

> > limit their scope to the docbook code, but looked at the text in the
> > actual applications.  Most developers aren't grammar experts, 
> > and can get
> > very creative when writing error messages/dialogs/labels etc, and many
> > apps could use a once over.
> This sounds a bit...challenging.  How would the editors find where a given
> applications output text, assuming that they're not programmers, or not
> familiar with the application (there's a LOT of code out there)?

...nor are the UI hitsquad people.  The idea is that they post a list of
suggestions for UI's (done in glade) and let the author know.  This
could be done simply by mailing the author.  In addition, looking at the
catalog files is a good way to get all the strings.


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