Re: screenshots in gnome-core

> Hello,
> I've two little questions regarding the screenshots in gnome-core:
> 1.) Are they already "final"
> 2.) Do you have some kind of script to create them or are they
>     created by hand ?
> Just wondering 'cause I want to make german versions of the screenshots.

Hi Martin,

1) I can't say that all of the screenshots in gnome-core are
final.  We may add or change a few.  But you can expect *almost* all of
them that are in there now to be final. (the same holds for gnome-applets)

2) These were done by hand.  The screenshooter applet is useful.  However,
it makes png's that gnome-help-browser doesn't like.  So, try saving it as
a gif and then converting it to png with "convert", xv, or the gimp.


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