Re: Standardizing help paths

Thanks Elliot, for initiative to improve the GNOME help system!

"David C. Mason" <> writes:

|   <sect1 id="foo">


|   HTML source:
|   <div class="SECT1">
|     <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="FOO">Intro to Foo</a></h1>

2 issues to note:

1. The A element and its attribute will actually look this way:

    <a name="foo.html">

2. This only works iff sect1 is NOT the first section of a chapter; the
first section of a chapter is to be accessed this way:

<chapter id="chap-id">
 <sect1 id="foo">
 <sect1 id="bar">


<a name="chap-id.html#FOO">
<a name="bar.html">

At least, that's what I experienced while working with the DSSSL
stylesheets 1.42
(cf. - in german).
I guess, it's configurable to convert every section into a separate
file.  If we want this, we've to make sure, the a chapter has to start
with text (<para>) before the first SECT1 element - otherwise it
(chap-id.html) doesn't look good.

work:                          |
        :             |       ------    ,__o
personal:                   |      ------   _-\_<,
        : |     ------   (*)/'(*)

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