Re: Old manual versions that lack licenses

Hi Richard,

Richard Stallman wrote:
I've been told that the GNOME Documentation contains old versions
of these two manuals

 > 1. Disk Usage Analyzer
 > 2. GNOME Desktop System Administration Guide

which have a serious flaw: they are nonfree because
they lack licenses.

I've also been told that the current versions of these manuals have
fixed the problem.  How about putting the new versions in the GNOME
Documentation now?

About "Disk Usage Analyzer" (né baobab), the oldest online version is
2.32, its legal mention is here and mentions GFDL:

The rewritten version is at
and licensed as CC by-sa.

The GNOME Desktop System Administration Guide is in the same
situation, with oldest version as GFDL and available here:
and newest version as CC by-sa and online here:

The problem you've been told about is maybe the fact that the previous
versions were written with docbook and the HTML output doesn't include
the licensing details on every HTML pages; however the pages *do*
include a "About this document" link on all of them, pointing to the
copyright details of the documet.


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