Hi! > > + "No href attribute found on yelp:document\n" The above string was changed by Don Scorgie <dscorgie svn gnome org> (see also http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/yelp/trunk/src/yelp-transform.c?r1=2931&r2=2930&pathrev=2931) As you may know, we are in string freeze and I do not see any approval for this change. The change only affects the '\n' (Newline) and the end of the string but will anyway marked the string as untraslasted or fuzzy in the po files. You can also see that most languages have know 99% translated instead of 100% (the Spanish were fast as ever...) here: http://l10n.gnome.org/module/yelp For details about the string freeze, see http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/HandlingStringFreezes Regards, Johannes
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