Re: The great "kill-scrollkeeper-with-a-blunt-spoon" Proposal

Advocating extreme simplification: what do omf files actually give us?
When would you use them?  Maybe I'm just being cynical (short-sighted?),
but I don't see much use for them.  I read through the list of existing
fields, and I don't see what most of them give us.

What is it that we need from a document or document metadata to be
(i) when searching for a document, or giving a list of documentation
available on the system, we need name, description, language and
keywords, beyond that, it seems like ontological onanism to me
(ii) when displaying a specific document, then other information can be
useful e.g. the bugzilla component stuff - but why not just grab this
direct out of the document itself?

(thinking out loud)

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