Re: New Yelp TOC (resend)

--- Don Scorgie <DonScorgie Blueyonder co uk> wrote:

> (Resend.  Hopefully it'll go through this time)

What is it with the mailing lists at the moment?

> The ideas can be found in bug #337584 [1].  This
> will hopefully be
> applied before the next release (on Monday), so
> first off, if you have
> any problems with this, SPEAK UP NOW.  NOW, that is.

Looks great.
I'm going to speak up, but only with a couple of
really minor niggles:

- The full stop at the end of "Welcome to the GNOME
Help Browser." looks odd, as it's a headline
- I see the phrase "Help Topics" three times, which
seems excessive.

Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail. "The New Version is radically easier to use" ? The Wall Street Journal

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