Activating find with /

There's this sort of old Unixy tradition of making text
viewers bring up the find dialog or toolbar when you hit
the / key, just as if you had hit Ctrl+F.

Epiphany 1.8.2 has the following behavior:
* Typing anything but slash or space starts type-ahead
  find on link text only.  Once you're in this mode,
  slashes and spaces just append to your search string.
* Typing a slash starts type-ahead find on all the text
  in the page.  It doesn't bring up a find toolbar or
  anything.  It just shows what you're searching for in
  the status bar.
* Typing space scrolls.
* Typing Ctrl+F brings up the find toolbar, which does
  not do type-ahead find.

Yelp has the following behavior right now:
* Typing anything but a space starts type-ahead find
  on link text only.  Once you're in this mode, spaces
  just append to your search string.
* Typing space scrolls.
* Typing Ctrl+F brings up the find toolbar, which *does*
  do type-ahead find.

I don't like that slash and Ctrl+F are different kids of
search in Epiphany.  I do, however, find link text search
very useful from time to time.

Having slash bring up the find toolbar in Yelp would
conflict with type-ahead on links whenever there's some
link text with slashes in it.  But then, maybe I'm just
making too much out of an odd corner case.

The whole slash thing probably doesn't matter to many
"average" users (read: not *nix geeks).  But those
pesky vi users just love it.



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