Re: [RFC] Proposal for GtkSourceView 3.24, 3.50 and 3.90

On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 12:40:45PM +0200, Paolo Borelli wrote:
If needed we can make the first gtk 3.90.0 release just be the
namespace change without bumping gtk and bump in gtk in 3.90.1 so that
people doing the porting have a stepping stone. The ABI break between
3.90.0 and 3.90.1 would not be a problem since 3.90 series is not abi
stable anyway.

GTK+ 3.90.0 will be released in March 2017. So it's more logical to
release GSV 3.90.0 at the same time, depending on GTK+ 3.90.

The next development versions of GTK+ will be 3.89.x. So what you
propose above can be done with GtkSourceView 3.89.x releases (not
3.90.x, but that's a detail). I agree that it's another good proposal.

I've updated the wiki page with that proposal (Proposal 2) and added a
third proposal, a mix of Proposal 1 and 2:

BTW I think GTK+ should do something similar to Proposal 2, to port some
code incrementally to GTK+ 4 (not all API breaks at the same time,
especially for those who will port an app from GTK+ 3 to GTK+ 4.0 at
once, two years worth of API breaks :/ ).


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