Re: GtkSourceCompletion API Proposal

> (..)
> GtkSourceCompletionDocumentWordsProvider
> I think these names are very long. Currently this names uses Gtc
> namespace (GtkSourceCompletion):
> GscCustomKeyTrigger
> ...
>  Any idea about these names?

You will have have to use the longer names because Bindings will rely on
the currect namespaces and it would cause a lot of work to get it
working with the short names.

But maybe you can skip the "Completion" part of the namespace when it's
part of GtkSourceView anyway, and switch some words around:

GscDocumentWordsProvider > GtkSourceProviderDocumentWords
GscCustomkeyTrigger > GtkSourceTriggerCustomKey

This fits better with the current design of GTK+ (e.g.
GtkCellRedererText, GtkCellRedererPixbuf, etc.).

But please check this with the gedit/gtksourceview team. I would really
love to have this included in the next gtksourceview release.


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