
Hi all,

I'm trying to introduce GtkSourceCompletion to GtkSourceView. 

GtkSourceCompletion is a set of objects that add completion support to

First there are an object GtkSourceCompletionPopup. It is a GObject that
manage all the completion events. This object creates the widget where
the user see the completion items and manages some default events. This
object not complete anything, you must register a
GtkSourceCompletionProvider and the popup will call it when it needs
show completion items to the user. 

The Idea is to have various providers like autocompletion, snippets,
symbols etc. but the popup only use them to show data to the user. You
can implement GtkSourceCompletionProvider, develop a lot of different
providers and register all into the popup.

You can take a look at:


If you want to tell me some improvements, problems, changes etc, please
make me know.

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