Re: GtkSourceView regexp engine

Il giorno gio, 12/05/2005 alle 09.44 -0700, Marius Scurtescu ha scritto:
> > 
> > Current GtkSourceView (1.2.0 and below) uses gnu-regex, the new
> > highlighting engine that is being developed instead uses egg-regex which
> > is a glib wrapper around pcre.
> Thanks Paolo!
> The documentation I found for gnu-regex 0.12 is:
> The whole library seem to be quite outdated (early 90'), I could
> not even find a home page for it :-(

Yep, that's why GtkSourceView is moving away from it.

> I tried the [:space:] character class before I posted this question
> and it did not work. So I either made a mistake or not even gnu-regex
> is not fully supported. None of the existing .lang files are using
> character classes.
> Now, character classes are not a big deal, but if the full gnu-regex
> is not supported then what exactly is?

I can't help you here, I'm not intimate with the gtsourceview code.

> pcre is much nicer, how far is an implementation using it?

Not much, I've been told that a first preview will be available in the
next weeks.


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