Re: Scaffold build enviornment

Hi John,

On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 14:27, John (J5) Palmieri wrote:
> I went to make patches for Scaffold and made the mistake of CVS updating
> everything.  I notice that we are now relying on GTK+ 2.3 umong other
> development versions of libraries.  Are we tracking Garnome or CVS
> GNOME?  This basicly breaks my Debian builds for awhile which I don't
> mind if it means we can get some cool functionality.  I just need to
> know what we are targeting and when changes are made to that target so I
> can stay on the same page.

I think we should target Gnome 2.6, which will be out in a couple of
months IIRC.  I started using Gtk 2.3 stuff because I tried compiling
all modules with deprecated flags on, and I'm working on a Gnome 2.5
environment.  Sorry about the inconvenience.  Anyway, targeting Gtk 2.4
is really worth it for all the new cool features it brings :-)

Beyond all that, I think we should rely on already released
functionality (i.e. anything for which there exists a tarball) and not


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