Re: GtkSourceView C++ syntax highlighting problem.

Hi Jeff,

On Sun, 2003-05-25 at 11:24, Jeff Franks wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying out GtkSourceView and think its a great idea for a 
> widget but I've noticed a problem. Syntax highlighting for C++ files 
> doesn't work. I went through the source code and language specs but 
> couldn't work out why. Is this a bug? Is there any thing I can do to get 
> it to work properly?

What version of GtkSourceView are you trying?  Paolo recently rewrote
cpp.lang because it was broken.  That change went in 0.2.1.

Also, how are you trying it, with the test-widget program or gedit? 
test-widget sets its highlighting by getting the file mimetype through
gnome-vfs, so maybe it's not getting the right type?  (Nautilus will
give you the detected mimetype).  And gedit now has a menu which let's
you choose the highlighting type.


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