Re: gnome2 port?

--- Dave Camp <dave ximian com> wrote:
> * Most importantly, we raise the difficulty level of
> contributing to
> gide.  A full gnome2 tree takes awhile to build, and
> isn't the easiest
> thing in the world.
> The last point is the major one.  What is everone's
> opinion on this? 
> I'm all for a gnome2 port of gIDE, but I don't want
> to ostracize our
> contributors.

I don't mind IF I can get the gnome2 stuff off some
ftp site instead of cvs. I only have a 56k cvs access
at the moment, and it's not fun to download using
that. I've got a big fat ftp pipe (for European
standards anyway :) so that would be less of an issue.


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