Re: gIDE project problem

--- Ed Snible <esnible acm org> wrote:
> First, let me apologize for my constant pestering.

Don't! (apologize that is) Please keep pestering us,
at least this way we know someone is actually using
gIDE :)

> I've now run gIDE on two machines and I'm having
> problems with both of them.  
> "make install" runs without errors on both.
> The first machine looks like it comes up correctly. 
> I see a lot of good 
> "DEBUG:" and "Installing Tool:" lines.  Only two
> unimportant warning messages:
> Bonobo-WARNING **: Could not open help topics file
> NULL for app gide
> Bonobo-WARNING **: Syntax error in ''

I get those too.

> The problem is when I start using the system:
> do File|Open and load hello.c, the Project|Add
> Source:
> ** CRITICAL **: file gbf-project-client.c: line 304 
> (gbf_project_client_get_project_root): assertion
> `prj != NULL' failed.

Ouch. Yeah, that is to be expected (you don't have a
project and thus can't add sources to it) but it
shouldn't crash. The menu items should be disabled (is
in the TODO if I remember correctly).

> do Project|New Project:
> ** CRITICAL **: file project-tool.c: line 162
> (project_new): assertion 
> `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed.

Dave sent a mail a few days ago saying he was working
on that. The New Project wizard is not functional at
the moment.

> Nothing related to the project works.
> Any suggestions?  

Yeah, open an existing project (Project|Open Project)
and select a file (doesn't matter which one). It will
then parse the and related files and build
a project for you. You can then add files to the
project and build it and do other cool stuff :)
It has to be a auto* project though (try it with gIDE
for example).

> (The second machine is worse; no Scintella project
> or debug views.)

That would be a problem with the components. Check out
the FAQ in the gIDE dir, it has some common causes
with solutions.


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