editor settings list


Although there's still a fatal bug somewhere in either my config code or
in bonobo, i don't want to stop developing the config stuff.

I've drawn up a list of editor settings which i think would be useful to
put in the Editor Settings dialog. Some of these settings directly come
from the Scintilla API, others from the Editor Options in JBuilder 4.

I personally don't have any experience with vi,emacs etc. so i don't
know if these options are also representative for those editors. 

Since the GUI is based on bonobo-conf, libglade cannot be used here. I
do plan to create a prototype GUI using glade and then have it generate
C code and copy & paste that (saves a lot of work).

Please comment and provide feedback.



Editor options:

- Use tab character
- Indentation size (tab width if "use tab character", otherwise number of spaces)
- Smart home (jump to first character on line, second HOME moves to beginning of line)
- Smart end (jump to last character on line, second END moves to EOL)
- Indent after brace
- Align closing curly brace
- Folding code blocks
- Keymaps? (vi, msvc, emacs etc. Use Bonobo for this?)
- Highlight braces
- Show blinking caret
- Show line-numbers
- Show indentationguides (visual tab location indicator)
- Show End-Of-Line indicators
- Show whitespace
- Show right margin (vertical line usually at column 80)
	- Set margin location (#columns)
- Font family
- Font size
- Editor/Lexer styles
	- Font style (plain/bold/italic)
	- Fore- & background color
	- Schemes?
	- Preview?
Templates? (insert predefined codefragments (GPL comments, for loop etc.))

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