Re: [Gnome-devtools] Emacs

Masatake YAMATO wrote:
> Many program editors based on gtk+ are developed.  I wonder why we
> need other editor than Emacs.  I don't want to make a flame but I'd
> like to know motivations of these editors' author.

I'm part of the gtkeditor project so I will comment breifly. My
motivation is taking editing far beyond that of programs like emacs. I
don't use emacs, but as I understand it uses regular expessions, scripts
(elisp), and bindings as a method of extending it to handle different
languages. These features alone have proven to be very powerful. What I
hope to acomplish in the future is an editor that truely knows about the
language (syntax and semantics), that can point out errors in the
program structure before compilation (saving a lot of time), can assist
in writing code through knowledge of how the program should look (pretty
printing) and how it could look (completions, and hints).


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