Re: This is a Troll!

On Mon, 2002-09-09 at 17:32, ralf_schum web de wrote:
> Am Besten ist es, Ihr Antwortet einfach garnicht und nehmt diese Kritik einfach so zur kentniss. Das klingt dann nicht so verlogen ;).

Hey everyone,

I suggest you do not even think of finding someone to translate that
e-mail. I don't want to say it is completely wrong, but there is _any_
argument or point in it. It is simply the yelling and blaming of someone
who totally misses the point of open source software. I would get into
details on that, but since he explicitly requests _no_ answer I will do
so. And thus save my time and hopefully yours too.


Knut Neumann <knut neumann uni-duesseldorf de>
Physikalische Grundpraktika - Heinrich-Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
Raum  -   Universitaetsstrasse 1   -  D-40225 Duesseldorf
fon: +49-211-81-11314                           fax: +49-211-81-13105

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