Bonobo 1.0.1 fails to compile

Hi! :)
    I've downloaded Bonobo-1.0.1 and tried to compile it, but it fails. I
attach the configure and make output; I simply unpacked the tarball and run

./configure --prefix=/usr

I have a RedHat 6.2 with GlibC 2.2 (RPM build 5), GCC 2.96 (RPM build 69),
Glib/GTK+ 1.2.10, Gnome-libs 1.2.13, these last downloaded from, stable tree.
     Happy Easter,
        Mano :)

 Questa non и una lettera da mettere da
 parte con leggerezza.Bisogna scagliarla
 via con grande forza.
        --Dorothy Parker
Germano Rizzo - mano ciaoweb it

Attachment: conf.log.bz2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: make.log.bz2
Description: Binary data

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