Re: Gnome is not easy to use in 800x600

> George Farris wrote:
> >
> > You can set this option in Sawfish (remember window position and
> > size)  You can also set this by right clicking on the left window
> > button, choosing "history" and one of the available options.
> >
> I tried this, when the remember-window-position feature came up. There were some problems like file
> dialogs having the same size like their parents and windows showing up on virtual desktops other than
> the current one. I don't think, that the window manager is able to manage default sizes since he has
> very few information about the windows.

Well this is true.  Sawfish and Gnome have a ways to go to get things
right.  One thing I 
noticed with Sawfish is if you set matched windows to open on a certain
then it should **always** open it on that desktop but one sometimes must
tell the 
window to forget it's saved settings because it opened on a different

Sawfish must understand the gnome/gtk libraries/widgets better.

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