Re: a suggestion about error-messages

James Wilkinson wrote:

> Anyway, the point of this story is that they went and wrote xconsole, a
> nifty litte program that traps output to X's tty, and displays it on the X
> display.
> I may have missed the point of the question, but that is an already
> existing answer to what I thought it was asking, and why reinvent the
> wheel?  It would be an easy task to port xconsole to be a GNOME applet...
> unless such a task has already been done.

In this case I would clearly prefer reinviting the wheel. That should be much

> Oh, and there's a few others, like rootlogger, which effectovely does a
> tail -f and displays it on the root window.  This, again, could be ported
> to be a GNOME applet, or this idea used for a xconsole port.
> Sorry for the tone, but I thought the answer was perfectly obvious :)

Well, the interesting point point to notice here might be that I actually
posed the question, even though I have used Linux/unix every day for three
years and should know about the full function of xconsole. For me, xconsole
is a very ugly app I kill every time I see it, because I find it useless. I
takes up screen real estate, and I rarely need it, and I have not yet been
able to make it show an error message. As far as I can see it traps messages
sent to /dev/console, not stdout/stderr. Correct me if I am wrong. xconsole
dont look like a solution at all.

Peter Soendergaard

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