Re: a suggestion about error-messages

 I don't fully agree.
 You use a gnome-terminal and you type something wrong, it pops-up a 
message. This could become annoying.

 However, I agree that coders should catch their errors and pop an 
error message if necessary, that is when stderr is not in their app in 
other wors when it is not a terminal-like app. Also it really is easy, 
Gnome already has easiest to sue utility for such a thing.

 It's really up to the coders to do that!

My 2 cents

H. Aurag

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 11/24/99, 10:06:59 AM, Peter Søndergaard <> 
wrote regarding a suggestion about error-messages:

> Hi!

> I all of the GUIs I have used for Linux/Unix, one thing has bothered 
> When a program crashes I dont get an error message: The error message 
> sent to stdout/stderr, but I cant see that if the program has been
> launched from a panel / menu. If f.x. I make a launcher in the
> Gnome-panel which tries to execute the command "sklhgsd" (which
> obviously doesnt exists) I can just push the button forever whithout
> ever being informed that the command doesnt exist.

> A solution to this could be simply to trap stdout and stderr from any
> comand launched from the panel / a menu, and then pop up a small 
> offering you to see stdout or stderr whenever a program exites whith 
> errorlevel different from 0.

> For the novice user this might not be very informative, but at least 
> will know that something happened, and it will almost always be
> something more informative than "Unknown error 7091" :-). The
> experienced user on the other hand could be told quite a lot from this
> information.

> In all cases you would get the feeling that you are more in  control,
> that things does not just happen without you knowing it. I would give
> you a feeling that the GUI was more integrated with the rest of the
> system, not just some fancy program-launcher sitting on top, hiding
> important information from you.

> This model could maybe be expanded a bit, so that you from another
> program could examine stdout/stderror from running programs.  This 
> really kill of the necessity of the terminal.

> Anyway, I think more error messages would give a more 'integrated'
> feeling.

> Pardon if this subject has already been discussed, you are then free 
> flame me! I am new to the list.

> Peter Soendergaard

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