Re: Again the dnd from netscape to panel/applets.

Bruno Pires Marinho <> writes:

> Hi fellows.
> When I drag a link from netscape to the panel it works fine and a new
> button to open the URL on netscape. But if I dnd this same link to the
> print applet or the gtm applet it doesn't work.
> If anyone has this working and can give me some indications to
> documentation to solve this or some examples or samples it would be great.
> I have gnome-core-1.0.5 and gnome-libs-1.0.9.
> Thanks in advance for your help.

Applications that want to receive drops from Netscape need
special handling since Netscape won't be using the MIME
types that GNOME normally uses. (You need to accept
drops of type _NETSCAPE_URL)

For an example of taking URL drops from netscape you can 
look at the sources for ee. (main.c) If you look at 
this, you'll notice that there is problem - Netscape
doesn't actually doesn't actually download the file
for you; you are responsible for getting it yourself.

ee "solves" this forking off a wget to get the file.
You could use gnome-http, but that wouldn't handle
ftp:// URLs. Hopefully, we'll have a VFS in the future that
makes this all easy to handle.


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