Typed Event Channels

I want to discuss the typed event channels a bit before we commit to using
them.  I just took a quick look at what Martin has put together, and it is
quite interesting.  However, I question whether the benefits are worth the
amount of complexity needed to implemented it.

>From what I am seeing, typed event channels require the following:

* A modified IDL compiler.
* IDL for each event we may want to have.
* A modified giop-message-buffer.

In addition to this, some side effects are:

* Changes to event formats and new events will require recompiling the idl.
  This isn't really that bad, as new formats probably won't be too common.
* Complexity is added -- Instead of one PushConsumer, you have a 
  TypedPushConsumer as well as objects for each addition messaging interface.

These are, IMHO, some pretty heavy requirements for what we get from it.
While strong typing is a valid goal, I think we are adding a lot of 
unnecessary baggage to GDF by trying to use typed event channels.  I think
careful programming will make generic channels work just fine.

As always, comments are appreciated.


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