German component in Bugzilla

tis 2002-08-06 klockan 20.43 skrev Christian Meyer:
> > > Also, it would probably help if we could arrange so that there was a
> > > German component in the "l10n" product in Bugzilla. Then these type of
> > > bugs could get automatically reassigned. What do you think?
> > 
> > Yes, that would be very helpful, I think. I would create that component
> > in bugzilla, but I'm not the team-leader. Christian, what do you think?
> no objections, please proceed! Thanks.

If you want a mailing list (for example gnome-de gnome org) to be
automatically notified of new bugs in the component, there are extra
steps to make. You need to:

1) Create a bugzilla account for your mailing list.
2) Disable any mail from the mail list to bugzilla (If it's a mailman
you can add bugzilla address bugzilla-daemon widget gnome org to the
mailing list and then change their options to NOMAIL).

Then you also need to:
3) Decide on a default QA owner (who in the translation team will be
default QA responsible person for the bugs). Make sure this person has a
Bugzilla account.
5) Translate the sentence "Here you can place your bugs about German
[de] translations" into German, using only ASCII characters. :-)


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