Re: Nokia N770 devices for GNOME Deutschland


Could you please send your indivudual applications? It would be easier
for us to understand who would like work on a certain project. I would
imagine receiving 18 short emails and then we will shortly reply.


ext Christian Meyer wrote:
> Hello maemo, hello NOKIA,
> I am Christian Meyer, president of GNOME Deutschland e.V.
> As discussed with Devesh Kothari at LinuxTag this year, we have gathered
> together details and proposals from some of our German-speaking
> developers who would like to implement their projects on the Nokia n770.
> This should help you to allocate the n770 developer devices.
> I'd like to thank you again for your wonderful cooperation with the
> community and for the opportunity to demonstrate a prototype n770 at our
> GNOME stand at LinuxTag. 
> 18 developers have submitted the following n770 project ideas:
> - Testing, filing bugs, improving the current software
> - Use it to write reports (no matter where you are)
> - Use it for podcasting
> - Port gDesklets (a python desklet applet framework, see
> - Eventually port ruby to it and create small apps
> - Create cool artwork (see 
> - Develop a client system, that offers relevant data/informations for
> students at universities. The system could be later used for
> conferences.
> - Change data in big/small systems, even when you're not online. If
> you're online again, the data will be synced with the server system.
> - Develop software on it for the fire departments, for the city hall
> (virtual guide)
> - control and management of a wireless bluetooth-bases sensor network
> - XUL rich client for client-server application and/or Gtk+ client with
> web service backend for Doppelkopf (very popular german card game with
> many statistics) game logging
> - ports of popular open source games (e.g. gtk2hack, Battle For Wesnoth)
> - make sure that pwlib and OPAL will run on it (openh323 successor)
> - try to get a webcam running on the device (using a software solution)
> - try to get as many audio/video codecs working on it (either using the
> hardware or software)
> - test the video output and improve it
> - test the video in and output and make it as reliable as possible
> - write a offline plugin for wordpress, the blog will be synced when the
> device has internet connectivity again
> - write a sharing tool for images and videos and gather them from
> various sources to store them on a common system
> And here are the names of the people who came up with these proposals:
> - Markus Beckedahl
> - Christoph Görn
> - Florian von Kurnatowski
> - Martin Grimme
> - Andreas Müller
> - Michael Gebhart
> - Daniel Nümm
> - Markus Ortel
> - Horst Bräuner
> - Mihael Vrbanec
> - Christian Meyer
> - Joshy Cyriac
> - Jens Lukowski
> - Christian Tolle
> - Stefan Bruens 
> - Marcel Hild
> - Eric Poscher
> - Stefan Kost
> If you need the people's addresses and email addresses, I will be able
> to provide these.
> I'd like to thank you in advance for supporting GNOME and making this
> happen.
> Regards,
> Christian Meyer

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