[gnome-db] Fwd: GNOME Foundation Membership - Accepted

Find attached an introduction for my self to GNOME Foundation Membership.

I found my welcome at:


But please consider to clarify my description as LIBGDA's maintainer. The formal maintainer is Vivien Malerba. I'm the maintainer of GObject Introspection and Vala support for GDA; most of my contributions goes to add bindings (GI) friendly API and some bugfixing on GDA to make it works great! to be used in other languages through GI. Now I'm developing some extensions to GDA written in Vala, expecting to be useful for any one using C and any other languages with GI support.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Espinosa <esodan gmail com>
Date: 2012/2/14
Subject: Re: GNOME Foundation Membership - Accepted
To: foundation-announce gnome org

I really thanks for this distinction. I've been a GNOME enthusiasts from its early 1.x versions, but a real user since 2.x era. I've joined GNOME fan due to its philosophy and the way it is conducted by all its early and new developers.

In 1998 a took the adventure to use just GNOME as my full time desktop, trying to use StarOffice since to do my work dominated by Microsoft technologies; thanks to projects like Wine and CodeWeavers, I had been able to use MS Office to work on, that was the great step forward to use GNOME full time. At that time the killer feature of GNOME, some other free-desktops, the ability to have more than one desktop empower my productivity, allowing me to work with my work in different tasks and develop software, by quickly switching to related applications I have to use. I missed that productivity in GNOME 3 though, I hope 3.4 comes with good news - filed bug 651022 and helping on 648994 .

I've developed some PHP/PostgreSQL/Apache document management system to help me at work. Here was when I joined GNOME Data Access library and start to help them with improvements like port from custom generic data handler GdaValue to GValue with the objective to get access to C#/Mono technology and improve my database/web software, but that never happends and now Mono/Gtk+ bridge seems to be broken for me because they have unable to sync with Gtk+ improvements.

GDA and GNOME way to get thinks done, has inspired me to get more improvements in the way I conduct my innovations at work, by changing/adapting my self and co-workers (when they are ready to change) to new horizons and new technologies, like adopting IEC 61850 as the base technology for Substation Automation Systems. Then I took the oportunity to be the CEO like of new open source software, unique in an industry dominated by propietary solutions, called OpenSCLConfigurator and my own development OpenSASConfigurator to edit XML documents based on IEC 61850-6 Substation Configuration Language[1]. I started to help GXml to support Autotools and see if I can add GObject serialization to XML and use it in OpenSCL library to read/write SCL files to drop C#/Mono dependency and bring Gtk+ 3.x to my applications.

In all my efforts for innovations at my work, I've tried to help GNOME in translations; some time ago a group of enthusiasts founded www.lenmex.org, a dead effort to get GNOME to Mexican endemic languages like Nahuatl - if you found some translations on it I made them, just using a Spanish/Nahuatl dictionary-, but never get support for native speekers. At the same time I fire some suggestions on Pootle to get support to show two languages in its translation interface, in this case because most of potential translators can use Spanish but not English.

Today I'm trying to help GDA to support GObject Introspection (GI) and create the best platform to develop Database Access software, by improving API and make it bindings friendly; I love if GDA gets easy and feature rich a la Django framework, but for any language.

I'm adding new ways to access databases using Vala, by GDA's vala-extensions and implementing Gee interfaces collections. In the middle I found lots of opportunities to improve GDA's API to make it bindings friendly, by adding GI annotations and patching VAPI bindings generation.

At my work, I'm pushing to use Open Source Software as the investment protection technology for critical applications and the base for new developments for international standards. When possible and when other are ready to hear, I made elitism to choose open source solutions and distribute news about governments adopting them to ask: Can we do it too?

I used to help GnuCash to improve it and port to GObject, but found my self not productive, then I've desided to start a new library called libcash at SourceForge, but I want to re-write it using Vala to speed up its development. May be in the feature it can be used as a GNOME 3 application to manage your money.

[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensclconfig/

2012/2/14 GNOME Foundation Membership Committee <membership-committee gnome org>
Dear Daniel Espinosa Ortiz,

We are pleased to inform you that you are now part of the GNOME
Foundation Membership. You are now eligible to become a candidate
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Thanks for your contributions to GNOME.


The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

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