Re: [gnome-db] gdadbcopy - utility to copy schema and/or data from a database to another

On 15 December 2012 11:52, Andrea Zagli <azagli libero it> wrote:
i wrote this very simple utility based on libgda

comments are very welcome

Hi Andrea!

This idea of having a solution to copy data from one databse to another is something I've had in the back of my mind for a long time, but always failed to find some time to work on it...

The  "data migration" feature (copy data from A to B) I had in mind had the following features (and was integrated in Libgda's GdaSql console and GdaBrowser tools):
* data type mapping, especially when A and B are not the same DBMS
* columns mapping (for instance if the columns in B are not ordered in the same way as the ones in A or some columns are not copied)
* tables names mapping (if the tables names in A and B are different)
* data alteration (to modify the data when it is copied)

I've looked at your code and it looks great. Howwever, when copying data you could have used the "binding" feature of the GdaHolder to bind the values to be inserted to the data model iterator: when the iterator changes, the values to insert also change, see

Best Regards,


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