[gnome-db] GUI - External Reference

When used an external reference, may a reference to an ID is taken, but on GdaBrowser the ID is taken not any other more easy to remember file.

For the Sales example, when you try to add a new order the customer field combobox shows the customer's ID, but may be is better to show its name and may be more data.

When customizing a table, may is usefull to add a table's "Descriptor" helper. This could help to create a custom description of the table by using one field or a combination of them in order to create a String representation of the table.

For example, if a customer table have the following fields:

id serial PRIMARY KEY
name string
email string
code string
created date

The table's descriptor could be created by using the following:

1) Take the customer's name
2) Take the customer's name and code
3) Take the customer's e-mail and name

When more than one field is used a string concatenation of each field's string representation must be used.

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