Re: [gnome-db] GdaSqlBuiler: JOIN AS

On Mon, 2010-05-17 at 15:08 +0200, Vivien Malerba wrote:
> >> This example illustrates why you need to be able to set targets'
> >> aliases. In this example you have the following targets:
> >> A: "albums"
> >> B: "artists" with the "relationship_artist_singer" alias
> >> C: "artists" with the "relationship_artist_drummer" alias
> >>
> >> and you reference the targets using their alias in the join condition
> >> and in the list of fields to be selected.
> >>
> >> and 2 joins (joinning conditions not mentionned here):
> >> A <--> B
> >> A <--> C
> >>
> >> the joins themselves are never referenced anywhere in the statement,
> >> so they are not named.
> >
> > So the SQL statement would/could look different?
> When using the GdaSqlBuilder, the rendered sql statement looks like
> the one in your example (it is normal SQL, no GDA extension).

Yes, when I specify the alias in my call to
gda_sql_builder_select_add_target() and then use the returned ID as the
target (instead of the table) when calling
gda_sql_builder_select_join_targets() then it works fine.


murrayc murrayc com

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