[gnome-db] Holder names


Consider this query:
INSERT INTO "contacts" (contact_id, name_first, name_middle, name_last,
name_title, address_street, address_town, address_state,
address_country, address_postcode, date_of_birth, comments, name_full,
picture, email, website, tel_home, tel_work, tel_mobile, tel_fax) VALUES
(##param0::GdaNumeric, ##param1::gchararray, ##param2::gchararray,
##param3::gchararray, ##param4::gchararray, ##param5::gchararray,
##param6::gchararray, ##param7::gchararray, ##param8::gchararray,
##param9::gchararray, ##param10::GDate, ##param11::gchararray,
##param12::gchararray, ##param13::GdaBinary, ##param14::gchararray,
##param15::gchararray, ##param16::gchararray, ##param17::gchararray,
##param18::gchararray, ##param19::gchararray)

According to my understanding get_parameters() should give me the
GdaHolders named "param0" to "param19" but it seems it gives me the
holders contact_id, name_first, name_middle, etc.

Is this intended? What about queries that affect multiple tables with
possibly the same columns?


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