Hi! I am trying to fix a bug in glom where it tries to insert binary data (a png image) using an INSERT statement. SqlParser reports that the statement is malformed but I couldn't figure out how to fix that. The statement is basically: INSERT INTO "contacts" ("contact_id", "name_first", "name_middle", "name_last", "name_title", "address_street", "address_town", "address_state", "address_country", "address_postcode", "date_of_birth", "comments", "name_full", "picture", "email", "website", "tel_home", "tel_work", "tel_mobile", "tel_fax") VALUES (0,'Murray','','Cumming','Mr','Falschstrasse 123','Munich','Bavaria','Germany','D-80798','1973-05-11','','Murray Cumming', '<no a lot of binary data follows>', '','www.murrayc.com','','','','') The binary data looks about like this: \\362\\377\\001NIU\\225\\016\\376 \\034\\350\\000\\000\\000\\000IEND\\256B`\\202 (just an example. How does this data need to be encoded so that GdaSqlParser is happy with it? Thanks, Johannes
Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil