2008/10/5 paragasu
<paragasu gmail com>
AFAIK, as the name plugins suggest. the plugin can only be use for the
GnomeDbGrid or GnomeDbForm. My form has so many column that some of
the entry hidden at the bottom of
the windows.
i decided to build the form using gnome_db_entry_* . but then i miss
You should not do this because it means you'll have to re-implement all the GnomeDbBasic and GnomeDbForm features to make it work.
the "picture" plugins.
is there any way i can include the picture plugins widget on my form?
I see 2 solutions for you there, the first one is to put the generted form in a scrolled window, which is the easiest solution but the result will not be very good looking.
For the second solution, libgnomedb allows you to specifiy a custom layout for your form (you can then use tabs or several columns to organize your form): it's the "layout-spec" GnomeDbBasicForm's property. Unfortunately it's not very documented at the moment.
Basically you'll need to create your own GnomeDbFormLayoutSpec structure and fill its attributes, and pass it as the "layout-spec" property.
In this structure, you'll have to pass a Glade XML file and a prefix string. The Glade UI must have a GtkBox for each entry libgnomedb will automatically add, and named "<prefix_string>_<parameter_number>". For example you can set the form_prefix attribute to "my" and have a GtkVBox object named "my_0" in which libgnomedb will put the GnomeDbDataEntry corresponding to the 1st parameter.
To help you, you can have a look at the libgnomedb/gnome-db-basic-form.c file lines 750+
I'm sorry there is not enough documentation for now.
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