Re: [gnome-db] Status of libgda's trunk

On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 09:20 +0100, Vivien Malerba wrote:
> Hi!
> During the past few week I've been working on the next V4 version of
> Libgda, which breaks the API (and the ABI), but
> which is much cleaner and hopefully easier to use. The documentation
> has also been much improved (specially regarding the
> implementation of database providers with two skeleton implementations
> which can be used as a starting point); as a side note
> running "make PDF" in the doc/C directory will generate a nice looking
> PDF file for the whole documentation.
> The documentation includes a migration from V3.X section which
> explains all the changes.

If you make a tarball release then we can get it on to Then we can mentinon URLs in these emails.

It's a good idea to keep it distchecking regularly anyway.

> I've now merged all that work into trunk as I believe it is "stable"
> enough for general comments, so feel free to comment
> and improve things. Please note that Libgnomedb does not compile  with
> that version of Libgda.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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