Re: [gnome-db] libgda and threads on different connections

Hi Vivien,

Vivien Malerba wrote:
2008/6/23 Massimo Cora' <maxcvs email it>:

I'm noticing some problems while using libgda on a program that uses two
different connections [that points to two different dbs].
Theoretically, there should be problems if two threads are using the
same connection, not different ones, right?

That should be the case. Do the 2 connections use the same provider?
If so, there might be some locking to do in the provider's code.

yes, the two connections use the SQLite provider.
I'm already using mutexes to avoid concurrent accesses to the same db on the same connection, but the best option would probably be that the library takes care of syncronize the accesses when two connections are used.

thanks and regards,

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