Re: [gnome-db] GdaDataModelRows leaking?

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
> (This is in libgda-3.0. I haven't looked at this in trunk.)

This only applies to V3, since for V4 the providers don't use that
object anymore (but the
global conception is almost the same).

Each GdaDataModel implementation which inherits the GdaDataModelRow
class is repsonsible for managing its GdaRow objects, so the answer to
your question is no, don't unref() the GdaRow.

As far as I remember, the GdaDataModelArray internally stores pointers
to GdaRow objects in a GArray while the GdaDataModelHash stores them
using a hash table and a GArray. Anyway, all the GdaRow objects are
destroyed with the GdaDataModel responsible for them.

As a side note, the GdaRow usage has been removed from GdaDataModel
(during the V3 dev phase), and GdaRow should be "considered" private
API (I know, the docs don't mention that...). In V4, I plan to
completely remove the GdaRow object (it has been replaced with a
GdaPRow object but restricted to providers' implementations).



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