Re: [gnome-db] gda_connection_get_schema

On 3/6/07, Piotr Pokora <piotrek pokora gmail com> wrote:


GdaParameterList *paramlist = gda_parameter_list_new (NULL);
param = gda_parameter_new_string ("name", table_name);
gda_parameter_list_add_param (paramlist, param);

GdaDataModel *dm_schema = gda_connection_get_schema (cnc,
                        paramlist, &error);

cols = gda_data_model_get_n_columns (dm_schema);

Problem is that cols is always 10 ( using MySQL provider ).

The GDA_CONNECTION_SCHEMA_FIELDS will _always_ return a GdaDataModel
containing 10 columns (described in the doc: see
,gda_connection_get_schema() and checked everytime). You probably want
to have a look at the number of rows...

How should I create parameter list for the given schema model?

It should work if you look at the rows. Use gda_data_model_dump () for
testing purposes.

All I need is to find column name.
gda_data_model_get_column_index_by_name returns wrong values in such case
as GdaDataModel is incorrectly initialized for this purpose.

The column name (that is the name of each column of a table) is in the
1st column of the returned data model (col. 0).



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