Re: [gnome-db] Separate mono bindings?

On Sun, 2007-03-04 at 17:14 +0100, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 16:48 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 16:34 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > > Why is gda-sharp part of libgda? This just complicates the build and
> > > will be a problem for release management of both modules in the future.
> > 
> > If there are no objections, if the gda-sharp build problems are not
> > fixed by the time I try to do another release, I will remove the
> > gda-sharp bindings. They can be revived in a separate module.
> > 
> they were moved from gtk# because they didn't want them there :-( And
> since they are mostly automatic, I accepted to have them in
> libgda/libgnomedb. But if the build problems can't be easily fixed, I
> would suggest to disable them by default, and have a
> --enable-mono-bindings for people to enable them?

The problems are: 
a) even getting them into the tarball so that people can build them.
b) making life difficult for distro packagers, who have to split them
into two binary packages.
c) confused API stability. If libgda is stable, should I think that
gda-sharp is stable. No, but I might make that mistake.
d) interferring schedules. Fixes for gda-sharp will have to wait for a
release of libgda.

This has never worked for any other GNOME module, and it won't work for

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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