Re: [gnome-db] Environment for building db applications needed

On Friday 16 September 2005 5:28 pm, Francisco Santiago Capel Torres wrote:
> Hi everbody,
> I am looking for an environment to build database applications.

Is this a user-environment or a developer-environment?

I'm working on a framework that is developing in this way but it's not there 
yet. I use XML to describe generic data, that can be converted (using perl) 
into a C application that uses the framework library to handle SQL queries on 
that data. It's alpha code and currently it's only just ready to link against 
gda. In particular, the code to convert the XML into C is very early stuff.

> - I store the definition of my database(s) in a data dictionary (xml).

Tick. (Data is stored with the definition, the perl script takes the 
definition to create the C, the C reads the data.)

> - The application reads the data dictionary and is able to create all the
> tables, indexes, relations, etc...

Tick. Almost. It generates one application per xml definition but they can be 
combined. This is not a user task.

> - I store the definition of my forms in a set of xml files created with
> glade.

It uses XML but not glade files. Glade would be quite restrictive on the types 
of data allowed, the framework uses a generic XML.

> - The application loads those files and, based upon the data 
> dictionary, is able to format the fields, put names to the labels, read and
> save the data onto the database, etc.

I'm concentrating on a more fixed set of objects that will be used over and 
over, not arbitrary sets at runtime. That's down to the real-time use of the 
library in GnuCash.

> In summary, I am looking for an engine that is able to read all the
> definition and logic of a database application

I've got that.

> and run that application, 
> with the aid of some scripting language.

That too, but in C not a scripting language.

> In this way, the aplication could run in any environment, and it would be
> possible to create any kind of database application.

It's close but I don't think it's quite what you intended.


Neil Williams

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