Re: [gnome-db] gda and PostgreSQL schemas

Vivien Malerba wrote:

Tks for the fast answer.

It seems that Mergeant can't retrieve tables in PG's schemas.
You have to define the search_path you want to use in the connection's
DSN string, and if you don't then the 'public' schema is assumed (this
is why table b is visible).

Didn' understand well what "search path" was for. Now I know. Tks.
For Mergeant: if I put more than one schema in search_path, it becomes a mess (expecially if the same table name is reused). It could be really useful a "tree" view instead of a "list" view. And it seems it couldn't recognize "ltree" type used in some tables (correctly installed, since PG doesn't complain), leading to a corrupted dict file.
In my program I'm using many cross-schema queries. Should I expect troubles?

PS: is there something "standard" to handle tree structures (efficiently... can't load all 20K rows at start...) or should I create my own widget?

Please cc me since I'm not subscribed to this list.


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