[gnome-db] Implamentation of GdaValue

I found GdaValue is not a GObject.

Could be an advantage to be a GObject, may be handle a
DataModel to update values in the row/col pairs in
that DataModel.

As GObject, Can we have a stronge check with
g_return_if_fail(GDA_IS_VALUE(value)) instead of
g_return_if_fail(value != 0) and best memory

As GObject, you can check if the pointer is a real
GdaValue and no other things.

I'm in deep in the implamentation of GnomeDbGrid and
How is order the values, becouse a Crash in my program
that use it.

I create a Widget to handle Values in a DataModel, but
it fails to determine the BOOLE type to show a correct
widget (in this case a GtkToggleBotton); I think is a
problem in the GdaValue implementation. I'm searching
for the problem, more details in a few days/weaks

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